The last thing they needed was more bad press, right? Javier E. David of CNBC reports: Equifax, which suffered a massive data breach in 2017 that exposed the personal information of nearly 150 million consumers, has been sending out erroneous notification letters to a “small percentage” of those affected, the company confirmed Monday. Hackers breached…
Category: U.S.
TX: Personal info still being discarded and dumped improperly
Courtney Schoenemann reports that a security analyst who goes dumpster diving in his spare time, came across a filing cabinet of account receivables from an Austin home remodeling company that had been dumped by an as-yet unnamed company: “Their routing numbers, bank account numbers, some had their driver’s license numbers on their checks. Everything you…
CVS Health Sued For Allegedly Revealing HIV Status Of 6,000 Patients
There’s an update on a breach reported in August, 2017. CBS reports: CVS Health is being sued for allegedly revealing the HIV status of 6,000 patients in Ohio. A federal lawsuit claims CVS mailed letters last year that showed the status of participants in the state’s HIV drug assistance program through the envelopes’ glassine window….
Data breach hits Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor stores
Matt O’Brien reports: A data breach at department store chains Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Off Fifth and Lord & Taylor has compromised the personal information of customers who shopped at the stores. The chains’ parent company, Canada-based Hudson’s Bay Co., announced the breach of its store payment systems on Sunday. The company said it was…
Web Developer Accused Of Stealing Data, Computer Tampering
Michael Woyton reports on a case in New Rochelle, New York: A web developer was arrested in New Rochelle for using his former employer’s data and computer servers to set up his own business. Westchester County District Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino Jr. said Friday that Nial Yusupov, 25, of New Rochelle was arraigned March 28…
MA: Cambridge Health Alliance notifying patients after law enforcement alerts them to stolen data
They say that they’re not yet sure how a breach involving patient data happened, but Cambridge Health Alliance in Massachusetts was notified by the police that three electronic patient files had been found in possession of an unauthorized party. CHA learned of the breach on January 31, and opened their own investigation, which revealed that…