Oof. I read something like this notification below from Boise Cascade Company in Utah, and I wonder if the employees had been regularly trained in avoiding phishing attacks, or if it was just the case that the phishing was done so damned well that the employees fell for it despite their training. In this case,…
Category: U.S.
‘Jeopardy!’ Winner Charged With Cybercrime Felonies
Tom Ozimek reports: A record-breaking “Jeopardy” game show champion and former Adrian College history professor has been charged with two cybercrime-related felonies. Stephanie Jass, 47, faced arraignment on Tuesday, Dec. 5, in Lenawee County District Court in southern Michigan, mlive.com reports, on charges of unauthorized access to a college computer, and using a computer to commit…
Former Columbia Sportswear employee sentenced to probation and community service
There’s an update in the case of a former Columbia Sportswear employee who was sued by the firm for allegedly hacking them after he left their employ. In August, Michael Leeper pleaded guilty. Now, despite prosecution attempts to get him some jail time, Leeper was sentenced to three years of probation with 400 hours of community…
Ohio Bill Proposes Safe Harbor Against Breach Suits to Businesses Maintaining Recognized Cybersecurity Programs
William Berglund, Robert J. Hanna and Victoria L. Vance of Tucker Ellis write: Maintaining robust cybersecurity measures that meet government- and industry-recognized standards will provide businesses operating in Ohio with a legal defense to data breach lawsuits, if a bill recently introduced in the Ohio Senate becomes law. Ohio Senate Bill No. 220 (S.B. 220),…
Superseding indictment filed in Justin Shafer case
As anticipated, federal prosecutors have filed a superseding indictment in their case against dental integrator and vulnerability researcher Justin Shafer. For those in a rush, the TL;DR version is that they have basically transformed a bullshit two-count indictment into a bullshit three-count indictment. [For the benefit of law enforcement in Texas, that preceding sentence is…
MN: Mahtomedi Middle School student breaches district data
Sara Marie Moore reports on a so-easy-a-child-could-do-it-oh-look-a-child-did-do-it breach: A Mahtomedi Middle School student breached student data earlier this fall when a teacher was logged into a computer. The student accessed 3,300 student ID numbers, 215 test scores, 11 individualized education plan (IEP) sheets and 18 other student education plans, said Patrick Crothers, technology coordinator. The…