Catalin Cimpanu reports: Russian authorities have detained earlier this month a popular figure on the Russian hacking scene on charges of distributing malicious software via his Telegram channel. Pavel Sitnikov, known primarily for operating the now-suspended @Flatl1ne Twitter account and the Freedom F0x Telegram channel, was raided by law enforcement officials on May 20 at…
Swedish Health Agency shuts down SmiNet after hacking attempts
Sergiu Gatlan reports: The Swedish Public Health Agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten) has shut down SmiNet, the country’s infectious diseases database, on Thursday after it was targeted in several hacking attempts. SmiNet, which is also used to store electronic reports with statistics on COVID-19 infections, was shut down on Thursday to investigate the attacks and was brought back online…
Meat Is Latest Cyber Victim as Hackers Hit Top Supplier JBS
Marcy Nicholson, Fabiana Batista, and Sybilla Gross report: The world’s biggest meat supplier has become the latest casualty of a cybersecurity attack, posing a fresh threat to global food security already rattled by the Covid-19 pandemic. JBS SA shut its North American and Australian computer networks after an organized assault on Sunday on some of…
IA: Union Community School District publicly silent after threat actors dump files on dark web
In a year when they were already dealing with COVID-19 and then accusations that a teacher had improper emails with students, Union Community School District in Iowa found itself with a third major challenge — a ransomware attack. But whereas the district has publicly acknowledged and discussed its response to the first two challenges, they…
Babuk re-organizes as Payload Bin, offers its first leak
At the end of April, threat actors known as Babuk indicated that they were closing up shop and switching to a different model: Babuk changes direction, we no longer encrypt information on networks, we will get to you and take your data, we will notify you about it if you do not get in touch…
Claiming to be the “new generation,” threat actors declare, “No more discounts or long negotiations”
This week saw the emergence of a new group calling themself “Pay or Grief.” Or maybe they call themselves “Grief” or “Grief_List.” I really am not sure because they haven’t responded to simple questions like “What do we call you?” In any event, noted two of their attacks and now SuspectFile was able to…