Muhammad Irfan reports: MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 26th May, 2021) Hackers have stolen at least 76,000 email addresses from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in a government data leak, NHK reported on Wednesday. According to the Japanese broadcaster, criminals used the ProjectWEB information-sharing software. Read more on UrduPoint.
NZ: Volunteer Service Abroad targetted by ‘sophisticated’ ransomware attack
Matthew Tso reports: Ransomware attackers have targeted New Zealand’s largest volunteer agency working in international development. On Wednesday Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) announced it had been the victim of a “sophisticated” ransomware attack. Chief executive Stephen Goodman said the non-governmental organisation was hit last week, with attackers locking its computer systems and demanding a ransom….
IN: Eastern Hancock schools fall victim to ransomware attack
Eastern Hancock schools in Indiana were expected to be back up and running today after the district experienced a ransomware attack over the weekend. When the district discovered the attack Monday morning, it shut down the entire network, preventing the attack from spreading. The shutdown also meant the district lost the ability to receive phone…
Ransomware Unmasked: Dispute Reveals Ransomware TTPs
Two of the more well-known Russian-language forums have “arbitration” or “complaint” sections where members can present complaints and evidence against other members involving financial disputes or claims. Those disputes, with evidence provided non-publicly to the moderators/arbitrators, often provide interesting insights into threat actors’ methods or relationships. In the past few weeks, there have been two…
After going up, up, up, will ransom payments in healthcare and education sectors start dropping?
Key points: More than half of ransomware victims reportedly pay ransom, but there is an absence of quality data and reporting that would enable better analyses. As payouts have increased, the number of customers electing to have cyberinsurance coverage (the take-up rate) has increased, although SMBs lag behind mid- to large-sized entities. As payouts have…
One Employee’s Accidental Email Leads To A Significant Data Breach Ruling in Federal Appeals Court
Jeffrey Csercsevits of Fisher Phillips writes: A federal appeals court recently addressed whether employees had standing to bring a lawsuit when their personally identifiable information (PII) was inadvertently circulated to other employees at the company, with no indication of misuse or external disclosure. In McMorris v. Carlos Lopez & Associates, LLC, the 2nd Circuit Court of…