Update: There is more detailed report refuting the claimed leak that can be found at this link. At this point, DataBreaches.net considers the Clubhouse claim as refuted. CyberNews reports: So far, it seems like it’s been the worst week of the year for social media platforms in terms of data leaks, with Clubhouse seemingly joining…
De: Another data breach in COVID-19 test centers
Jana Ballweber reports (translation) After glaring security deficiencies in the IT of Corona test centers became known in March, thousands of test results including personal data could be found online again. Security experts from the “Zerforschung” group managed to view the names, addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, email addresses and test results of over 14,000 people tested from centers in Hamburg,…
Br: Leak exposes 1.7 TB of customer data from Brazilian fintech iugu
Felipe Demartini reports (translation): A serious security breach exposed the information of, it is believed, all customers of the iugu services company, which operates in Brazil through financial management and automation systems. Users’ personal, banking and transaction data was available on an unprotected server for at least an hour. The discovery is by security expert…
Ca: Durham Region hit by cyberattack
Durham Radio News reports: Durham Region has been hit by a recent cyberattack and experts are working to figure out what information may have been compromised. That’s according to a statement from the region, which can be read below. They say the vulnerability has since been addressed and the regional systems have been secured. There’s…
SG: Possible data breach involving 62,000 e-mails sent to Certis
Kenny Chee reports: About 62,000 e-mails from the public, businesses and customers of local security firm Certis, some containing NRIC and credit card numbers, may have been accessed by cyber criminals, the company said on Friday (April 9). This includes customers of Certis’ safe deposit box service. The e-mails all came from a customer service…
Maine Enacts NAIC-Inspired Cybersecurity Law
Heather McArn, Bryant Roby Jr. and Judith Selby of Hinshaw write: Maine has become the latest state to adopt a version of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) model cybersecurity law. Signed into law on March 17, 2021, the Maine Insurance Data Security Act establishes investigation procedures, data security program standards, and notification requirements for persons…