Data allegedly from 760,000 registered users was listed for sale yesterday on a popular hacking forum. By the end of the day, had confirmed a breach. Lawrence Abrams reports: The custom invite service has temporarily shut down after suffering a data breach exposing the information of 760,000 members. is not an…
Three managers picked up; 2 others invited for breaching Ghana data protection law
GNA reports: Three managers were arrested on Monday by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service for breaching the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843). The three institutions are Hisense, an electronic goods dealership, Marwako Fast Foods and Agyabeng Akrasi and Co Limited, a law firm….
UK: Press notice regarding data breach at Norfolk and Suffolk police
Norfolk and Suffolk constabularies have identified an issue relating to a very small percentage of responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for crime statistics, issued between April 2021 and March 2022. A technical issue has led to some raw data belonging to the constabularies being included within the files produced in response to the…
United Bank Notifies Individuals of MOVEit Breach Involving Camden-Clark Physician Corporation and Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital Corporation
United Bank, a financial services institution which provides banking services to Camden-Clark Physician Corporation, a physicians’ group practice located in Parkersburg, W.V. and Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital Corporation (collectively “Camden-Clark”), suffered a data security incident. This data security incident involved the compromise of a software product called MOVEit that is used by thousands of organizations around…
Over 100K hacking forums accounts exposed by info-stealing malware
Ionut Ilascu reports: Researchers discovered 120,000 infected systems that contained credentials for cybercrime forums. Many of the computers belong to hackers, the researchers say. Analyzing the data, threat researchers found that the passwords used for logging into hacking forums were generally stronger than those for government websites. After pouring through 100 cybercrime forums, researchers at…
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing reports more than 4 million affected by MOVEit breach
As I tooted earlier this morning on Infosec.Exchange: One of the MOVEit victims was the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing, which was notified by IBM of the data breach. According to their notification, the information types included full name, Social Security number, Medicaid ID number, Medicare ID number, date of birth, home…