Even though RAIDForums was seized in early 2022, data leaks and breaches on the site are still having repercussions for entities. On May 11, the Singapore Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) issued a decision involving Kingsforce Management Services Pte Ltd. On January 31, 2022, the firm had notified the PDPC that on or about December…
Website leak exposes sensitive data of 85 million Turkish residents: report
Medya News reports: Sensitive personal data of Turkish citizens and residents of Turkey has been compromised, according to the Free Web Turkey, a platform dedicated to combating internet censorship in the country. On Friday, the platform exposed the existence of a website called Sorgu Paneli, which allows unrestricted access to personal data such as identification numbers,…
Switzerland fears government data stolen in cyberattack by PLAY threat actors
AFP reports: Switzerland said Thursday that government operational data might have been stolen in a cyberattack on the technology firm that provides software for several departments. “Xplain, a Swiss provider of government software, has been the victim of a ransomware attack. After the stolen data had been encrypted and the company blackmailed, the attackers posted some of…
49ers agree to settle data breach class action lawsuit, must create new IT positions
This site cannot keep up with all the class action litigation settlements, but when we do report on one, we try to see what the settlement requirements in terms of improving infosecurity and cybersecurity. Here’s one with a requirement, as reported by The Athletic: The San Francisco 49ers agreed to settle a class action lawsuit stemming from a February…
Members of the public among those affected by massive N.S. cyberattack
Jean Laroche reports on the impact of the MOVEit breach by Clop threat actors on people in Nova Scotia: The Nova Scotia government revealed Friday that cyber criminals made off with the private information of tens of thousands of people, including high school students, short-term accommodation owners, newborns and people issued parking tickets in the Halifax Regional…
Asylum Ambuscade hackers mix cybercrime with espionage
Bill Toulas reports: A hacking group tracked as ‘Asylum Ambuscade’ was observed in recent attacks targeting small to medium-sized companies worldwide, combining cyber espionage with cybercrime. The particular threat group, believed to have been operational since at least 2020, was first identified by Proofpoint in a March 2022 report that focused on a phishing campaign against entities…