A statement was posted today on Emory’s web site about a breach first reported yesterday: Emory Healthcare recently received notification from external law enforcement agents that 77 of our orthopaedics patients may have been victims of identity theft in May 2008 or January 2009. Please be assured that this was not a breach into the…
(follow-up) Maine league gets kudos from media on breach alert
The Maine Credit Union League’s proactive work in alerting consumers last week to a breach at a jewelry store that affected about 1,000 credit union members as well as other consumers not only garnered attention from the media, but also media kudos for the way it handled the situation. Read more on CUNA News. It’s…
Breach at Integrity Bank Plus results in access to MicroBilt credit reports for 500 consumers
Via the Wisconsin Office of Privacy Protection: Sometime between December 23 – 28, 2010,MicroBilt Corp, a reseller of credit bureau information experienced a breach involving one of their customers, Integrity Bank Plus. IBP’s breach affected about 500 consumers whose credit information may have been improperly accessed. MicroBilt Corp has sent letters to those affected and…
HHS Imposes a $4.3 Million Civil Money Penalty for Violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule (updated)
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has issued a Notice of Final Determination finding that Cignet Health of Prince George’s County, Md., (Cignet) violated the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). HHS has imposed a civil money penalty (CMP) of…
(update) OSU searches for possible hacking victims
Remember back in December when Ohio State University announced that it had detected a breach at the end of October and would be notifying 760,000 people who had personally identifiable information on the server? It seems that they are still trying to notify some of them. Encarnacion Pyle reports in The Columbus Dispatch: A hacker…
Emory Healthcare patient records used in tax refund fraud scheme (updated)
Emory Healthcare alerted thousands of patients about a fraud scheme Monday. Hospital officials said someone stole personal patient information and used that information illegally. Emory officials said 77 people had their social security numbers stolen and used in a tax return scam. Officials said 2,400 other patients were given 12 month identity protection in case…