West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw today announced actions by his office and the Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) to secure the private information of 3655 patients affected by a data breach on a website set up for CAMC. The breach occurred within the research subsidiary of CAMC – the CAMC Health Education Research Institute…
Contractor error exposed Charleston Area Medical Center’s Research Institute patient data on web
Statement by Charleston Area Medical Center: We wanted to let you know about a security incident that occurred at Charleston Area Medical Center’s Research Institute, which involved the personal information of some of our patients. On February 8, 2011, we learned that one of our databases containing information about 3655 patients had security vulnerability. The…
No Evidence Of Online Records Breach By Vodafone Claims Privacy Commission
David Richards reports: The Australian Privacy Commissioner who recently initiated an investigation into claims that Vodafone billing and call records for up to four million customers were openly available online has concluded that Vodafone did not have adequate levels of security in place to protect personal information, however there was no breach as claimed by…
Mixed findings in Privacy Commissioner’s Vodafone report
Tim Lohman reports: The Privacy Commissioner’s report into the alleged privacy breach of some four million Vodafone customers’ billing and call records has found failings on the telco’s behalf. The report noted two key areas of the National Privacy Principles, NPP 2.1 and NPP 4.1, which applied to the incident. NPP 2.1 states that organisations…
BC Lotteries online site has fixed privacy glitches, report finds
Chad Skelton reports the follow-up on a breach previously covered on this blog: BC Lotteries did not take adequate steps to protect privacy when it launched its PlayNow.com online gambling site last summer, according to an investigation by B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham. However, Denham concludes BCLC has since taken steps to address…
WVa hospital breached – but we won't know who until Weds.
Well, it seems that a hospital in West Virginia has had a breach but that we won’t be told who until a press conference tomorrow. Anna Baxter of WSAZ reports: The West Virginia Attorney General has scheduled a news conference Tuesday to discuss a data breach at a hospital in Kanawha County. According to a…