The following statement was issued by Health and Hospital Corporation yesterday concerning a breach reported on this blog earlier today: The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) this week began to notify nearly 1.7 million patients and hospital staff, as well as the employees of vendors, contractors, and others – who were all…
NYC: Health Records Stolen From Van, 1.7 Million People Affected
Susanna Griffee reports on a breach involving backup tapes stolen from a vehicle that had been left unattended: The personal information of 1.7 million patients, hospital staff and associated employees was recently stolen, and city officials are notifiying potential victims to warn them about the loss of the files. The files were reported stolen in…
Computer stolen from St. Francis-Broken Arrow had data on 84,000 patients
The Broken Arrow Ledger in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma reports: A computer containing patient information and some employee records was stolen from Saint Francis Broken Arrow several weeks ago. The hospital discovered a burglary and theft of a computer from a secured information systems room. Police were immediately notified and the case is currently under investigation….
St. Francis-BA computer stolen, identity theft protection offered
The Broken Arrow Ledger in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma reports: A computer containing patient information and some employee records was stolen from Saint Francis Broken Arrow several weeks ago. The hospital discovered a burglary and theft of a computer from a secured information systems room. Police were immediately notified and the case is currently under investigation….
NYC: Health Records Stolen From Van, 1.7 Million People Affected
Susanna Griffee reports on a breach involving backup tapes stolen from a vehicle that had been left unattended: The personal information of 1.7 million patients, hospital staff and associated employees was recently stolen, and city officials are notifiying potential victims to warn them about the loss of the files. The files were reported stolen in…
Unencrypted FirstGroup America applicant data on lost flash drive
An unencrypted flash drive with First Transit applicants’ personal information was recently lost on a bus in Cincinnati. According to a notification sent to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office on February 4, the stick was lost on January 21. It contained applicants’ names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security Numbers, information about applicants’ criminal…