Nathan Adams reports some statistics from Western Cape in South Africa that may be of interest to those who want to compare trends internationally: Western Cape police on Tuesday said credit card fraud cost provincial officials nearly R16 million this year. This type of fraud has decreased both in the Western Cape and nationally. […]…
Visa Europe sets trend with mobile location-based fraud detection
Avivah Litan of Gartner writes: Visa Europe announced last week that it is contracting with ValidSoft to provide mobile location services that help banks detect fraud. We believe these services have great value when it comes to protecting payment accounts and preventing fraud, and that many more banks and card companies will adopt them once…
AU: Data breach laws won’t help: Verizon
Darren Pauli reports: A top information forensic specialist has said that mandatory data breach legislation will not reduce the number of data breaches, despite industry calls for such laws to be introduced. Industry figures have been asking for such legislation since the government looked into the issue as part of a national overhaul of privacy…
US Senate Votes to Exempt Some Professions from from ‘Red Flags Rule’
Rachel M. Zahorsky reports: The American Bar Association came one step closer today to halting an attempt by the Federal Trade Commission to regulate the practice of law when the U.S. Senate unanimously voted that the commission’s “red flags rule” doesn’t apply to lawyers. The legislation at issue, which seeks to curb identity theft among…
US Senate Votes to Exempt Healthcare Providers from ‘Red Flags Rule’
Rachel M. Zahorsky reports: The American Bar Association came one step closer today to halting an attempt by the Federal Trade Commission to regulate the practice of law when the U.S. Senate unanimously voted that the commission’s “red flags rule” doesn’t apply to lawyers. The legislation at issue, which seeks to curb identity theft among…
Data Breach Investigation | Due Process of Law
The following is cross-posted from In September, I posted an excerpt from a thought-provoking commentary by attorney Benjamin Wright. In discussing a fine levied against Lucile Salter Packard Hospital for late notification under California’s breach notification law, he had written, in part: The California Legislature made clear it wants notices to be issued quickly. However,…