Police are appealing for help after a swathe of established regional salerooms were hit by a major credit card fraud last month. Victims are now recommending the adoption of a new protocol for regional auctioneers when conducting ‘cardholder not present’ credit card transactions. The case is the most serious of its type in recent memory….
Multiple businesses compromised in Capitol Hill?
Another small development in the rash of credit card fraud cases and attempts to transfer business funds in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. So far, only the Broadway Grill has been named as a point of compromise. As reported previously, not only are their customers affected but their own bank accounts were accessed to…
Taiwanese Gov Workers Breach HIV Privacy Law
An HIV/AIDS advocacy group has condemned Taiwanese government workers after several of them shared private information about the HIV statuses of citizens drafted into the military. After government officials alerted the parents of a man who was drafted that he was HIV-positive, his father kicked him out of the house, Chang Cheng-hsueh of Persons with…
GA: Medical Records From Ob-Gyn Found In Dumpster
Woodstock police have opened an investigation into the discovery of hundreds of confidential medical records discarded in a Dumpster outside the former office of a Cherokee County Ob-Gyn. Acting on a tip, Channel 2 Action News reporter Tom Regan went to the medical park off Highway 92 in Woodstock. In the Dumpster, Regan discovered garbage…
Connecticut Fines Health Net $375,000 For Security Breach Last Year
I’m was somewhat confused by this news reports of another Health Net settlement with Connecticut over a 2009 breach. Matthew Sturdevant reports: Health Net faces a $375,000 fine for a security breach that happened last year at the insurer’s Northeast headquarters in Shelton, the Connecticut Insurance Department said Monday. A portable, external hard drive was lost or stolen…
Private medical practices lag behind hospitals in data security
Private medical practices lag behind hospitals in performing risk analysis and implementing information security controls, a survey by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) found. According to the 2010 HIMSS Security Survey, sponsored by Intel and supported by the Medical Group Management Association, 33% of medical practices said they did not conduct a security…