Andrew Pollack reports: Reversing a longstanding policy, the federal government said on Friday that human and other genes should not be eligible for patents because they are part of nature. The new position could have a huge impact on medicine and on the biotechnology industry. The new position was declared in a friend-of-the-court brief filed…
(Update) Civic Center credit card breach may be a computer hack
More on a breach first reported here yesterday: Investigators believe the scammers used either a skimming device or a computer hack to steal credit and debit card information from victims that had used their cards at the Onondaga County Civic Center. Police have now heard from more than 60 victims. So far, Syracuse Police say…
Woman Accused Of Posing As Nurse, Stealing Identities
Low-tech theft by posing as a nurse. Detectives are continuing the investigation of a woman they say posed as a nurse and stole identities of hospital staff. Four more victims have been identified in Albuquerque, bringing the total to 16. […] Yankowski has been charged for identity theft in Albuquerque. Her warrants in Texas date…
Indiana sues WellPoint over delayed breach notification
The Indychannel reports: The attorney general’s office is suing health insurance giant WellPoint Inc. for $300,000 for waiting months to notify customers that their medical records, credit card numbers and other sensitive information may have been exposed online. The lawsuit filed Friday in Marion County accuses WellPoint of violating a state law that requires businesses to…
Backup tape lost by UPS contained sensitive info on SDRC clients
On October 13, the San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) notified some of their clients that a backup tape containing sensitive information had been lost. SDRC serves individuals with disabilities in San Diego and Imperial counties. The tape, which contained confidential information on current and former clients, and which had somewhat ironically been created for testing disaster…
How do you say, “Maybe we shouldn’t have stored your credit card data” in Japanese?
The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles recently notified the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office of a security incident involving an unnamed vendor who hosts their web site at According the October 21 letter filed by their attorneys, on September 18, JFLA discovered that the names, dates of birth and credit card information for those…