Jay Weaver follows up on his earlier report: If Ruben E. Rodriguez — sitting in a wheelchair — was looking for sympathy at his sentencing Monday for pilfering more than 3,000 Jackson Memorial Hospital patient records, he came to the wrong place. U.S. District Judge Joan Lenard sentenced Rodriguez to 11 years in prison for…
Florida businessman to be sentenced for stealing patient records from Jackson Memorial
Jay Weaver reports: A Miami-Dade businessman who pleaded guilty to pilfering thousands of patient records to sell to lawyers for injury claims faces up to 12 years in prison at his sentencing in federal court Monday afternoon. Ruben E. Rodriguez, 62, admitted he stole Jackson Memorial Hospital records of patients’ names, addresses, telephone numbers and…
FinCEN report: Identity Theft Trends, Patterns, and Typologies Reported in Suspicious Activity Reports Filed by Depository Institutions January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2009
From the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network report, Identity Theft Trends, Patterns, and Typologies Reported in Suspicious Activity Reports Filed by Depository Institutions January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2009, the Executive Summary: Identity theft was the sixth most frequently reported characterization of suspicious activity within the period of the study, behind structuring/money laundering, check fraud, mortgage loan fraud,…
ID theft: Stuck in the middle with you
Jeff Barker reports: An airman who says she returned home from deployment to find her identity stolen was unsuccessful in getting two agencies to file charges. The woman said she went to her old home in Crestview after getting back from Iraq to pick up her mail, and found a bill from the IRS for $1,307,…
MWeb hacked, users’ details exposed (updated)
Duncan McLeod reports: The accounts of thousands of MWeb broadband customers appear to have been compromised, with their logon and password details apparently published on the Internet by hackers. As many as 2,390 users of MWeb’s business digital subscriber lines have been affected. […] The list, which includes accounts belonging to several prominent businesses, including…
From the frying pan into the fire? When HIPAA and reputation collide
One of the values I find in reading a lot online is that I’ll read something that makes me realize a gap in my own understanding of HIPAA or other issues. In this case, some forum comments and posts made by a doctor raised questions in my mind about whether HIPAA-covered entities fall afoul of…