Chris Doucette reports: Thousands of slips of paper with personal information of past guests from around the world were found blowing in the wind in an alley behind a downtown hotel Friday morning. And many of the old documents, found around 7:30 a.m. scattered next to a dumpster behind the Best Western Primrose at Carlton…
VA uses new technology to protect vets' health info
Dan Davidson reports on a VA cybersecurity initiative that will help protect veterans’ health data by using a tool to determine whether the devices are using required security tools: … so far, VA has almost 30,000 laptops tracked by the tool, he said. […] “The Visibility to Desktop Initiation is the ability to, at any…
Illinois AG sues Payday Loan Store over improper disposal of customer data
Attorney General Lisa Madigan today filed a lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court against The Payday Loan Store of Illinois, Inc. (PLS), for allegedly failing to safeguard customer data as promised. The Attorney General filed the suit after learning that documents containing customers’ personal information had turned up in trash bins outside four store locations….
University of North Florida: over 106,000 being notified of hack from outside of U.S.
The University of North Florida has issued this statement on its website: Impacted individuals being notified Between September 24, 2010 and September 29, 2010, a UNF file containing the personal information of high school and college students (and others interested in UNF) may have been accessed by unauthorized persons outside the United States. While immediate steps…
Who would send Angie's List their sensitive medical info??!
Danger, Will Robinson! Angie’s List has reportedly started offering a new service to resolve complaints consumers/patients may have about their doctors. But to do so, it reportedly requires users to sign a release that is Very Bad News. According to the Medical Justice Blog, which has called attention to this dangerous release, it says, in part:…
Data breaches plummet: Microsoft
Darren Pauli reports: Security breaches resulting in the loss of personal data have almost halved this year compared with 2009 figures, according to Microsoft. While theft, loss of equipment and reckless data disposal still account for the lion’s share of data breaches, total incidents have fallen by some 46 percent in the first half of 2010 compared…