The University of North Florida has issued this statement on its website: Impacted individuals being notified Between September 24, 2010 and September 29, 2010, a UNF file containing the personal information of high school and college students (and others interested in UNF) may have been accessed by unauthorized persons outside the United States. While immediate steps…
Who would send Angie's List their sensitive medical info??!
Danger, Will Robinson! Angie’s List has reportedly started offering a new service to resolve complaints consumers/patients may have about their doctors. But to do so, it reportedly requires users to sign a release that is Very Bad News. According to the Medical Justice Blog, which has called attention to this dangerous release, it says, in part:…
Data breaches plummet: Microsoft
Darren Pauli reports: Security breaches resulting in the loss of personal data have almost halved this year compared with 2009 figures, according to Microsoft. While theft, loss of equipment and reckless data disposal still account for the lion’s share of data breaches, total incidents have fallen by some 46 percent in the first half of 2010 compared…
Proposed S.3898 Amendment to the Electronic Fund Transfer Act Would Shift Risk of Loss to Banks
Richard L. Santalesa writes: Just a step below widows and orphans on the sympathy scale, at least when it comes to ripoffs and theft, sit school districts, boards and local municipalities. And in a era of tight budgets, when school districts are robbed of tax monies from halfway around the world via ACH/wire fraud, state…
Coming soon to your pharmacy: Police accessing your prescription records
From The Associated Press: Starting next year, dozens of states will begin knitting together databases to watch prescription drug abuse, from powerful painkillers to diet pills. With federal money and prodding, states are being asked to sign onto an agreement allowing police, pharmacies and physicians to check suspicious prescription pill patterns from Nevada to North…
HHS covets role as 'data sugar daddy' to app developers
Mary Mosquera reports: The Health & Human Services Department plans in December to release significantly more health-related data to spur commercial development of new software applications designed to help patients, providers and policymakers make better health care decisions. National, state and county health performance data sets will be made available via the Internet to HHS’s…