I’ve reported a number of instances where employees have been disciplined or terminated for imprudent postings on Facebook or MySpace, but a series of tweets I saw on Twitter yesterday demonstrate how to simultaneously diminish the public’s confidence in HIPAA while risking your own future, 140 characters at a time. It started with a twitterer…
Pointer: Lessons from HHS Breach Data
Over on The New School of Information Security, Adam Shostack responded to my recent blog entry about what can we learn from the HHS breach reports. Looking at “insider” incidents, Adam writes, in part: There were 10 incidents, (6% of all incidents involving 500 or more people). They impacted 50,491 people (1% of all…
FTC: No Major PHR Breaches So Far
Howard Anderson reports: … A personal health record is an “electronic record of identifiable health information on an individual that can be drawn from multiple sources and that is managed, shared and controlled by or primarily for the individual,” according to the FTC. Last year, the FTC issued a PHR breach notification rule, as called for under…
UK: Omniquad rapped for data breach
Christine Donnelly reports: The publication of customer details online by managed security services provider Omniquad has been blamed on a glitch in its helpdesk software. Daniel Sobstel, managing director of Omniquad, said the system was taken offline within several minutes of thedata breach being brought to his attention last Monday. Read more on ChannelWeb. Privacy International…
AU: The public prosecution of private decisions
Elizabeth O’Shea comments: This week, a woman and her partner will be put on trial in Queensland for a crime that should not be on the statute books. Tegan Leach and her partner, Sergie Brennan, have been charged under sections 225 and 226 of the Queensland Criminal Code 1899. These sections prohibit a woman procuring…
NC: Researcher Yankaskas appeals pay cut, demotion
More details are emerging about why the breach involving the UNC-Chapel Hill Carolina Mammography Registry led to consequences for the researcher. C. Ryan Barber reports: […] School of Medicine Office of Information Systems officials first alerted the University to the breach in July 2009 after uncovering a virus and potential security breach on the Carolina…