Christine Donnelly reports: The publication of customer details online by managed security services provider Omniquad has been blamed on a glitch in its helpdesk software. Daniel Sobstel, managing director of Omniquad, said the system was taken offline within several minutes of thedata breach being brought to his attention last Monday. Read more on ChannelWeb. Privacy International…
AU: The public prosecution of private decisions
Elizabeth O’Shea comments: This week, a woman and her partner will be put on trial in Queensland for a crime that should not be on the statute books. Tegan Leach and her partner, Sergie Brennan, have been charged under sections 225 and 226 of the Queensland Criminal Code 1899. These sections prohibit a woman procuring…
NC: Researcher Yankaskas appeals pay cut, demotion
More details are emerging about why the breach involving the UNC-Chapel Hill Carolina Mammography Registry led to consequences for the researcher. C. Ryan Barber reports: […] School of Medicine Office of Information Systems officials first alerted the University to the breach in July 2009 after uncovering a virus and potential security breach on the Carolina…
Ca: Veteran says privacy breaches left him suicidal
After the Tyler Clementi suicide, there’s been a lot of talk about how privacy invasions or privacy breaches might lead to desperate measures such as suicide. The veteran at the heart of a terrible privacy breach involving the Department of Veterans Affairs in Canada says that the violation of his privacy made him suicidal: A…
School Lunch Risk: Audit of Metro Schools in Nashville Reveals Students’ SSN Not Adequately Protected
Deanna Lambert reports: Channel 4 News has learned Social Security numbers of Metro Nashville Public Schools students were not adequately protected, and the slip-up was traced back to the lunch line. In some Metro Schools, students can’t get lunch without going through a computer. An audit suggests that Metro Schools needs more protection and better…
ATM fraud spree across Western Canada linked to one man
It’s nice when you can wrap up a bunch of ID theft cases into one neat bundle. In Canada, one of those bundles is allegedly an Ontario man named Kokulan Kanagaratnam. Paul Turenne of QMI Agency reports: An Ontario man arrested by Winnipeg police last month in connection with a high-tech ATM fraud allegedly went…