Over on HIPAA Blog, attorney Jeff Drummond writes: More on the “harm” threshold (and its possible demise): During this past week, the AHLA “HIT list” listserv has buzzed with commentary on the “harm” threshold (in large part started by the NYT article mentioned here), whether it should even be in there (or is an unconstitutional…
NC Office of the State Auditor: ESC employees violating copyright law on state computers
An audit by the North Carolina Office of the State Auditor indicates that what at least one employee in the Employment Security Commission (ESC) was doing on state computers and state time was, well, illegal. The report (pdf), released yesterday, reveals: Our examination of computers and disk drives assigned to a Systems and Operations Analyst (Systems…
Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Announces Data Breach Notification Mandate
Joseph Lazzarotti of Jackson Lewis writes: On August 18, 2010, the Connecticut Insurance Commissioner issued Bulletin IC-25 which mandates that entities within its jurisdiction notify the Department of Insurance of any “information security incident.” This post provides a brief summary of this new requirement. […] What is an “information security incident”? Under this Bulletin, an…
Info privacy still lags in India: Deloitte
Though Indian organisations have gradually started to realise the importance of data privacy and security focus on employees and other internal security, information privacy is lagging behind in India, according to a survey by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India. Almost half of the Indians experienced at least one internal security breach during the past one year…
Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Announces Data Breach Notification Mandate
Joseph Lazzarotti of Jackson Lewis writes: On August 18, 2010, the Connecticut Insurance Commissioner issued Bulletin IC-25 which mandates that entities within its jurisdiction notify the Department of Insurance of any “information security incident.” This post provides a brief summary of this new requirement. […] What is an “information security incident”? Under this Bulletin, an information security…
The Rite Aid Scandal: Health Records Still Treated as Commodities
Billy Wharton writes in CounterPunch: The mega drug store chain Rite Aid recently agreed to pay a $1 million fine to stave off a full investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) into practices that may have compromised customer records. The agreement was prompted by news reports that Rite Aid stores in several locations had…