Back on July 21 on, I reported that Idaho Power was among those affected by the Mercer Health Plan lost tape incident. Their loss was not mentioned on this site as it was not clear what protected health information might be involved. It seems that it was the Idaho Power Group Health Plan that…
St. John’s Mercy Medical Group notifies 1,907 patients of breach
The St. John’s Mercy Medical Group (SJMMG) in Missouri has notified patients that one of their physicians, Dr. David Brown, had improperly disposed of medical records. In a statement on their web site, they say, in part: On June 9, St. John’s Mercy Medical Group (SJMMG) became aware that Dr. David Brown had improperly disposed…
Why the HHS web site can be frustrating
Consider this entry: “Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company”,”PA”,””,”560″,”2010-06-04″,”Other”,”Other”,”2010-08-20″,”” There is no information on Penn Treaty’s web site. So what sense can we make of this entry? We can pretty much rule out the theft of a laptop or loss of paper records, but “Other” and “Other” could be so many things.
Ca: Privacy commissioner investigates 'Golo' admittance into Calgary hospital
Sherri Zickefoose reports: The privacy commissioner is launching an investigation into how a Calgary hospital admitted a sick man using the stolen identity of another man. The man, now known only by the Chinese nickname Golo, used a stolen Alberta Health Care card of a casino aquaintance when he was admitted at Foothills hospital over…
NZ: Health Ministry seized 30,000 patient files
A search warrant allowing the Ministry of Health to seize about 30,000 patient files from an Auckland GP’s office was a “fishing exercise” based on incomplete and inaccurate information, the doctor’s lawyer old the Court of Appeal today. The doctor, Judith Gill, is appealing a judicial review that upheld the ministry’s search warrant. Her practice,…
Who Owns Your Dead Son’s Brain?
Over on The Volokh Conspiracy, Jonathan H. Adler writes: Do parents have a constitutionally protected property interest in the dead body of their child, including all organs? Not necessarily is the answer given by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Albrecht v. Treon, at least under Ohio law as interpreted by…