Usually only a very small percentage of those offered free credit monitoring after a breach sign up for it. I was therefore surprised to see almost a third of those affected by one breach in Alaska earlier this year sign up. Pat Forgey reports: More than 25,000 anxious public employees and retirees have signed up…
(follow-up) Former FDIC Employee Fined for Leaking Financial Data
Merikay Wootton, 63, Lenexa, Kan., has been sentenced to 24 months probation and fined $3,600 for disclosing confidential information while she was an employee of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Wootton pleaded guilty to unlawfully disclosing confidential information from a government agency. In her plea, she admitted she was working as a loan officer for…
Updates to HHS/OCR Site reveal seven more new breaches (updated)
HHS has added some more breach reports to its site. Most of them had not been reported in the mainstream media: University Health System State: Nevada Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 7,526 Date of Breach: 6/11/10 Type of Breach: Theft Location of Breached Information: Network Server Comment: This one we knew about, but not the…
TN: DentaQuest notifies local families of possible fraud
Rick Norton of the Cleveland Daily Banner provides a small update to the saga of the DentaQuest breach that occurred back in March. Those affected first started receiving notification letters in mid-June. There is still no explanation that I can find as to why it took them over 2 months (from the time they were…
Hospital Explains its Breach Decisions
Joseph Goedert reports: Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in Bronx, N.Y., recently notified 130,495 patients of a breach of their protected health information after seven CDs a business associate FedEx’d were lost (see story). In a statement to Health Data Management, the hospital, part of NYC Health and Hospitals Corp., explains why the data…
Hospital Explains its Breach Decisions (updated)
Joseph Goedert reports: Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center in Bronx, N.Y., recently notified 130,495 patients of a breach of their protected health information after seven CDs a business associate FedEx’d were lost (see story). In a statement to Health Data Management, the hospital, part of NYC Health and Hospitals Corp., explains why the data…