Now you can all applaud me on my wisdom in not posting all those reminders I’ve seen elsewhere about the “Red Flags” Rule going into effect on June 1…. because it’s not. From the FTC: At the request of several Members of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission is further delaying enforcement of the “Red Flags”…
Ca: University Health Network Notifies Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) of stolen laptop with patient information
University Health Network (UHN) is issuing this advisory to notify patients who had surgical procedures from 2004-2010 about a stolen laptop taken from a staff person’s car on the weekend of May 8-9, 2010. The laptop contained select personal health information on about 20,000 surgical patients from all sites at University Health Network. University Health…
Medical records not as private as they may first appear under human rights law
Adam Wagner reports: A dentist has been ordered to hand over his patients’ medical records to a court in order to help his regulator prosecute him for misconduct. The case raises interesting questions of when the courts can override patient confidentiality which would otherwise be protected by the Human Rights Act. When health professionals are…
UK: Hack attack targets 4.3 million online CVs
Stewart Mitchell reports: The personal details of 4.3 million job seekers may have been compromised in a “concerted and sophisticated” hack attack on Trinity Mirror’s recruitment sites. According to Trinity Mirror, no actual CV details were exposed during the attack on sites such as Planet Recruit and JobSearch, even though the company believes email address…
Five indicted in cybertheft of city’s bank accounts
Jaikumar Vijayan reports: Five people were indicted this week on wire fraud and other criminal charges stemming from a 2007 cybertheft in which nearly $450,000 was stolen from the bank accounts of the city of Carson, Calif. […] The alleged thieves used valid login credentials to access the city’s bank account and initiate both the…
UK: 1000 data breaches reported to the ICO
The Information Commissioner’s Office issued a press release and summary analysis of breaches: With the number of breaches involving people’s personal information reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) reaching 1000, the privacy watchdog is urging organisations to minimise the risk of mistakes. Staff need simple procedures on how to handle personal information with appropriate…