Tom Field of BankInfoSecurity interviews Kim Peretti, former Senior Counsel in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice, about the investigation of Albert Gonzalez and his co-conspirators, including How the investigations unfolded from beginning to end; The significance of the conspirators’ sentences; Lessons learned…
Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center notifies HHS of breach
Another breach newly revealed on OCR’s web site: Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center State: Nebraska Business Associate Involved: McKesson Information Solutions, LLC Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 660 Date of Breach: 3/19/10 Type of Breach: Other Location of Breached Information: Paper Records As of the time of this posting, neither entity has any notice…
St. Jude patients' data stolen on computers
Courtney Perkes reports: St. Jude Heritage Medical Group in Fullerton has notified about 22,000 patients that their personal health and financial data might have been accessed after five computers were stolen. Heritage, which is affiliated with St. Jude Medical Center, sent letters about the theft last week, according to hospital spokeswoman Dru Ann Copping. The…
Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center notifies HHS of breach
Another breach newly revealed on OCR’s web site: Beatrice Community Hospital and Health Center State: Nebraska Business Associate Involved: McKesson Information Solutions, LLC Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 660 Date of Breach: 3/19/10 Type of Breach: Other Location of Breached Information: Paper Records As of the time of this posting, neither entity has any notice…
Fairfield Woman Claims Gene Discrimination After Breast-Cancer Test
Matthew Sturdevant reports: In a case that raises concerns about the handling of genetic and medical information, a Fairfield woman has filed a discrimination complaint after she had a voluntary double-mastectomy, then lost her job. Pamela K. Fink had the surgery last October after genetic tests suggested that she was at risk for breast cancer….
Ca: ‘I have her stuff. Who has mine?’
Candice Mac Lean reports: When Vicki Hill opened a large, brown envelope stuffed with financial documents last week, she expected it was the student loan information she requested from CIBC weeks earlier. Vicki Hill ended up getting someone else’s documents containing personal financial information, but some of her documents she requested weren’t delivered. Instead, among…