Although some will tend to minimize survey results when the surveyor has a self-serving interest, the results of the recent Identity Force survey of over 200 hospital administrators provides unsurprising, yet troubling, data. From their press release about the survey: PROBLEMS ARE WORSENING DESPITE MAJOR REGULATORY EFFORTS 41.5% of hospitals have TEN OR MORE data…
Report: Data breaches, patient identity thefts still a threat despite new laws
From CMIO: Despite new regulations in the HITECH Act, data breaches and medical identity theft remains at critical levels throughout hospitals in the U.S., where 83.6 percent of providers have data breaches every year, according to a report from identity theft prevention contractor Identity Force. The Framingham, Mass.-based Identity Force surveyed 220 compliance executives from…
IN: Local debit cards affected in breach
One to watch…. Lafayette police say a national debit card security breach is hitting close to home. According to police, this compromise has affected customers from a string of local restaurants and other businesses. And it’s hit several of the area’s banks and credit unions. “I have spoken with a lot of the local financial…
Ca: Commissioner raps health minister for attack on privacy
Andrew MacLeod reports: Acting information and privacy commissioner Paul Fraser has asked health minister Kevin Falcon to withdraw proposed amendments to health legislation until privacy concerns are fully considered. “I was taken by surprise to discover these very significant amendments in a miscellaneous bill,” said Fraser in an April 22 letter. Bill 11, the 2010:…
ESB tells customers of leak
Bobbi Mlynar reports: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure for ESB Financial officials who this morning announced that a data backup seven years ago had inadvertently been sent to an unauthorized storage source. Marketing Vice President Karen Sommers said that the bank had hired a specialist to work on a special…
(follow-up) Suit over canola growers’ lost laptop dropped
Remember when a laptop stolen from the Canadian Canola Growers Association in 2008 resulted in 32,000 farmers being notified that their social insurance numbers and bank account information was in unknown hands? The Manitoba Co-Operator reports that a proposed class action lawsuit against the government and CCGA over the breach has been dropped. Regina lawyer…