Tax season may be over but the headaches could just be starting for dozens of San Antonio residents whose personal info was discovered in a dumpster. KENS 5 discovered dozens of personal documents on the city’s North side. The information was discovered in a local dumpster, located outside a Rapid Return Tax business on the…
Student data found exposed
A file containing sensitive student information was found by an Olympic College student unsecured on the OC intranet recently, but according to the Information Technology Department the problem has been fixed. Tom Jacobs, customer service manager for IT, said the file was secured “within minutes of finding the problem.” Jon Bowers, student body president, said…
As cloud computing grows, customer frustration mounts
Patrick Thibodeau reports: Users who turned to cloud computing for some of its obvious benefits, such as the ability to rapidly expand and provision systems, are starting to shift their focus to finding ways to fix some early weaknesses. Cloud computing today has some of the characteristics of a Wild West boom town, but its…
Iowa Woman Says Hospital Chaplain Violated Her Privacy
When you confess something to a pastor, you assume it will be kept confidential. But an Iowa woman says that’s not what happened at the University of Iowa hospitals in Iowa City. Dayna Leichty’s son was being treated at the hospital. At one point, Dayna told a chaplain that she was pregnant. That information ended…
More than 100 report credit card fraud in Cedar Falls
Tina Hinz reports: Reports of credit card fraud keep rolling into the Cedar Falls police department. About 100 victims had come forward as of noon Wednesday, said Police Chief Jeff Olson. Many are from the Cedar Falls area. Illegal charges, ranging from less than $100 to more than $1,000, have popped up in multiple states,…
UK: Controversial medical records database suspended
Kate Devlin reports: The project triggered anger when it was revealed that information could have been logged on the system without patients’ knowledge. The British Medical Association (BMA) warned that many people were not even aware of the scheme, let alone the fact that they could ‘opt out’. In some cases letters informing patients of…