Katherine Hobson reports: Patients already lie to their doctors. And almost half of respondents in a new survey said if there was any hint their health information — even stripped of identifying details like name or date of birth — would be shared with outside organizations, they might be even less forthcoming. A study on…
Atlassian hacked (update 1)
From the Atlassian company blog: Around 9pm U.S. PST Sunday evening, Atlassian detected a security breach on one of our internal systems. The breach potentially exposed passwords for customers who purchased Atlassian products before July 2008. During July 2008, we migrated our customer database into Atlassian Crowd, our identity management product, and all customer passwords…
County workers warned of ID theft in retirement association
Carol Ferguson reports: Thousands of local government employees and retirees have been warned after a case of identity theft turned up in the Kern County Employees’ Retirement Association. A former KCERA worker is accused of using a member’s information to access a retirement fund, and Eyewitness News has learned that worker was convicted of fraud…
Saskatchewan defends decision to allow patient names to be used for fundraising
Saskatchewan’s health minister is defending the government’s decision to allow the names and addresses of former hospital patients to be used for fundraising. The new rules, which come into effect in May, give hospital foundations access to the information so they can target people to solicit donations. Health Minister Don McMorris says he doesn’t think…
Two more breaches added to HHS site
Neither of the following had been reported in the media sources routinely checked by this site: Mount Sinai Medical Center State: Florida Approx. # of Individuals Affected: 2,600 Date of Breach: 3/09/10 Type of Breach: Theft, Unauthorized Access Location of Breached Information: Laptop Hypertension, Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, PC State: Alabama Approx. # of Individuals…
Baylor Medical Records Found in Dumpster
Richard Ray reports: Thousands of medical records have apparently been stolen from Baylor Health Care System and Dallas police are seeking to file felony charges for identity theft. Police said their investigation began this past Thursday at an apartment complex in far north Dallas. “Officers were flagged down by an apartment manager regarding medical records…