Kelly Jackson Higgins writes: Google’s and Adobe’s disclosure in January that they had been hit by the same wave of targeted attacks were rare voluntary revelations, the likes of which may never be seen again: Most companies won’t disclose an attack unless required to by law or regulations. But security experts and forensics investigators say…
Six newly revealed breaches on HHS site
It seems that using the new HHS/OCR web site will be even more difficult than I anticipated, as they are sorting breach reports by the date of breach, not date that the incident was added to their site, so I have to review the entire list to see what’s been added instead of just looking…
Six newly revealed breaches on HHS site
It seems that using the new HHS/OCR web site will be even more difficult to use than I anticipated, as they are sorting breach reports by the date of breach, not date that the incident was added to their site, so I have to review the entire list to see what’s been added instead of…
Patients' medical records go online without consent
Kate Devlin reports from the U.K.: Patients’ confidential medical records are being placed on a controversial NHS database without their knowledge, doctors’ leaders have warned. Those who do not wish to have their details on the £11 billion computer system are supposed to be able to opt out by informing health authorities. But doctors have…
Update: UTMB sends more letters to possible ID theft victims
Cindy George reports that the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston breach reported last month was bigger than originally thought and more people have now been notified. At least 10 people have self-identified as victims of identity theft: One month after mailing letters to 1,200 patients whose confidential information may have been stolen in…
UTMB sends more letters to possible ID theft victims
Cindy George reports that the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston breach reported last month was bigger than originally thought and more people have now been notified. At least 10 people have self-identified as victims of identity theft: One month after mailing letters to 1,200 patients whose confidential information may have been stolen in…