From The Buffalo News: An identity theft case involving several clients of Independent Health was closed this week with a guilty plea and prison sentence, Amherst police said. Henry O. Johnson III, 30, of Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, pleaded guilty to identity theft and was sentenced to 1x to 4 years in prison. According to Detective…
NY: Buffalo man pleads guilty to identity theft charges
From The Buffalo News: An identity theft case involving several clients of Independent Health was closed this week with a guilty plea and prison sentence, Amherst police said. Henry O. Johnson III, 30, of Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, pleaded guilty to identity theft and was sentenced to 1x to 4 years in prison. According to Detective…
AG's Office: 2nd WDH worker in records case acted in scope of her duties
Adam D. Krause continues to follow allegations of a breach that may not actually be a breach involving Wentworth-Douglass Hospital: The Office of the Attorney General has determined there is “insufficient evidence” to investigate a Wentworth-Douglass Hospital transcriptionist who was alleged to have improperly accessed records of hundreds of patients. Jim Boffetti, who heads the…
New reports of data breaches in Massachusetts
Reporters Gal Tziperman Lotan and Todd Wallack of The Boston Globe obtained breach reports submitted to Massachusetts. Three of the ones they mention have not been previously reported in the media or on this site, so here’s a brief roundup of incidents to add to databases: John Hancock Financial Services: reported that a partner could…
Security breach at Atlanta VA hospital under investigation
Craig Schneider has some more information on the breach at the Atlanta VA Medical Center: The U.S. Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General has launched a criminal investigation into a security breach of veterans’ medical information at the Atlanta Veterans Administration Medical Center, according to an internal document obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. […] In…
St. Louis police say computer was attacked
B. Mayhall reports: 24 people may have had their personal information compromised following the cyber attack of one computer in the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, authorities said. The attack came through an e-mail in February. The department’s website was not attacked in any way, according to police spokeswoman Erica Van Ross. Read more in…