Matthew Strong reports: The Ministry of Interior (MOI) on Saturday (Oct. 29) denied being the source of a data leak reportedly posting private details of 200,000 people online. Media coverage said the information had been found for sale on the BreachForums site Oct. 21, with most of the people affected being residents of Yilan County…
Mount Laurel officer suspended from force, accused of hacking into woman’s social media accounts
News12 reports: A Mount Laurel police officer who is accused of hacking into a woman’s social media accounts has been suspended from the force. Officer Ayron Taylor was arrested earlier this month. Prosecutors say Taylor was charged after an Evesham Township woman told police that someone hacked her accounts and got a hold of nude…
Bits ‘n Pieces (Trozos y Piezas)
New Incidents Co: Universidad Piloto de Colombia Hit by ALPHV This week, the Universidad Piloto de Colombia was added to the ALPHV (aka “BlackCat”) leak siteUniversidad Piloto de Colombia was added to the ALPHV (aka “BlackCat”) leak site this week. ALPHV claims to have 300 GB of files from students, faculty, and administration, and they…
NC: UCPS student information made vulnerable due to insufficient security protections by vendor, superintendent says
WBTV Web Staff and Nick Ochsner report: Private information of students at schools districts and charter schools across the state were left vulnerable by a software misconfiguration by a third-party vendor, Union County Public Schools Superintendent Andrew Houlihan told parents in a letter this week. According to the letter, the misconfiguration came after iLeadr, a company used…
AU: Police called after SA Liberal Party caught up in alleged data breach
Angie Raphael reports: Police are investigating an alleged major data breach involving the private details of about 2000 members of the South Australian Liberal Party. Detectives are investigating allegations party officials were impersonated, with names, addresses, phone numbers and other data allegedly stolen. In an email to members on Friday, the party said it “recently…
Amazon accidentally exposed an internal server packed with Prime Video viewing habits
Zack Whittaker reports: It feels like every other day another tech startup is caught red-faced spilling reams of data across the internet because of a lapse in security. But even for technology giants like Amazon, it’s easy to make mistakes. Security researcher Anurag Sen found a database packed with Amazon Prime viewing habits stored on an internal Amazon server that…