Siobhan Gorman and Evan Perez of the Wall Street Journal report: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing a computer-security breach targeting Citigroup Inc. that resulted in a theft of tens of millions of dollars by computer hackers who appear linked to a Russian cyber gang, according to government officials…… The Citibank attack was detected…
7-Eleven Hack From Russia Led to ATM Looting in New York
Kevin Poulsen provides newly released details on the 7-Eleven hack included in Albert Gonzalez’s plea agreement: ….In his most recent plea agreement, filed in court on Monday, confessed hacker Albert Gonzalez admitted conspiring in the 7-Eleven breach, and fingered two Russian associates as the direct culprits. The Russians are identified as “Hacker 1″ and “Hacker…
Albert Gonzalez Enters Plea Agreement in Heartland, Hannaford Cases
Kim Zetter reports: Albert Gonzalez, who has admitted hacking into TJX and other companies, has filed a plea agreement in charges that he breached Heartland Payment Systems, Hannaford, 7-Eleven and two other companies. Under the terms of the agreement, Gonzalez, a former Secret Service informant, will plead guilty to two counts of conspiracy to gain…
Heartland to pay up to $2.4 million to settle cardholder class action suit
Under the terms of the settlement, Heartland says it will pay a minimum of $1 million and up to a maximum of $2.4 million to class members who submit valid claims for losses as a result of the intrusion. The payment processor says it will also shell out $1.5 million for the cost of notice…
UPDATE: France agrees to hand back ‘stolen’ Swiss bank data
From the Agence France-Presse: France said Monday it would agree to a Swiss request to hand back data taken from a HSBC bank branch in Geneva that is at the centre of a row between the two countries. France said Monday it would agree to a Swiss request to hand back data taken from a…
(follow-up) HSBC denies ignored pvt bank whistleblower warning
Reuters reports on another aspect of HSBC-French tax mess: the ex-employee’s allegations that he tried to warn the private bank: IT specialist Herve Falciani, an ex-HSBC employee accused of handing data taken in 2006 and 2007 to the French, told Le Figaro he had passed the information to French tax authorities after it was ignored…