Scott Noll reports: More social security numbers could be at-risk. This time, it’s desoto county homeowners finding their personal information on-line. Chancery Court Clerk Sluggo Davis admits, he’s not thrilled with what his office puts on-line. “I would not want mine out there,” Davis said about his social security number. From regular residents, to a…
Hk: Cops carpeted over leaks
Diana Lee reports: Twenty-one police officers have been disciplined over leaks in police data that have appeared online, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Roderick Woo Bun said yesterday. Woo said the figure was confirmed in a meeting with Police Commissioner Tang King-shing, who also said the leaks were not caused by hackers or failures in…
CA man pleads guilty to Medicare scam, aggravated ID theft
The owner of Beltline Medical Supplies, Inc., formerly in Dallas, Texas, pleaded guilty last week to charges of aggravated identity theft. According to plea documents filed in the case, Rafayel Movsesyan, 38, a resident of Los Angeles, California, opened Beltline Medical Supplies, Inc. in Dallas in 2007 and submitted more than $1,028,000 in false claims…
CA man pleads guilty to Medicare scam, aggravated ID theft
The owner of Beltline Medical Supplies, Inc., formerly in Dallas, Texas, pleaded guilty last week to charges of aggravated identity theft. According to plea documents filed in the case, Rafayel Movsesyan, 38, a resident of Los Angeles, California, opened Beltline Medical Supplies, Inc. in Dallas in 2007 and submitted more than $1,028,000 in false claims…
Privacy concerns raised over "secondary use" of health records
Tomorrow’s issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal has an article by Ann Silversides that begins: It took no time at all for Dr. Khaled El Emam’s colleague to identify an infant who had been a patient at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa. But there was a major problem: The colleague…
The Merchants Strike Back?
David Navetta has a thought-provoking article over on InformationLawGroup that begins: With the recent news of several restaurants teaming up to sue point-of-sale system provider Radiant Systems (a copy of the complaint can be found here) for failing to comply with the PCI Standard, it appears that some merchants may be in a mood to…