KOAT reports a breach out of New Mexico: About a month ago, Target 7 reported that Rod White, of Los Ranchos, was indicted on charges of fraud, forgery and identity theft. White tried to pass off fake checks using the state Taxation and Revenue Department’s account number. Officials knew little then, but APD detectives said…
FTC settles latest charges against ChoicePoint
ChoicePoint, Inc., one of the nation’s largest data brokers, has agreed to strengthened data security requirements to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that the company failed to implement a comprehensive information security program protecting consumers’ sensitive information, as required by a previous court order. This failure left the door open to a data breach in…
Follow-up to Radisson breach
As a small follow-up to the Radisson breach covered here, a copy of Radisson’s notification to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office is now available online here (pdf).
IE: Data breach consultation paper now out
TJ McIntyre writes on IT Law in Ireland: The Data Protection Review Group has now published a consultation paper (pdf) on reforming Irish law on notification of data breaches. Pages 33-38 on possible regulatory options are particularly useful, though the group is clearly hampered by the fact that any national reforms might soon be out…
Two major German websites report data theft
AP/Reuters reports two data breaches out of Germany: SchülerVZ, an online forum for German teenagers and high school students, has said it has identified the person it suspects of stealing the data, which include the name, age, school, gender, and photo of thousands of users. A more serious breach involves the names, client numbers, addresses,…
DNA of 400 sex offenders missing from state database
Ben Poston and Ryan Haggerty report: […] The Journal Sentinel analyzed a database of more than 12,000 felons found missing from the DNA database last month after an audit by the Justice Department. […] A preliminary audit conducted last month by the state Department of Justice showed about 12,000 samples that should be in the…