Natasha Singer writes: […] Big players like the Cerner Corporation, which maintains electronic health systems for 8,000 clients, including large hospitals and retail clinics, and smaller players like Practice Fusion, which offers its Web-based health record systems free to health care providers, say they make use of patient data collected from their clients. A spokeswoman…
UK: Private medical records for sale
Jo Macfarlane reports: The confidential medical records of patients treated at one of Britain’s top private hospitals have been illegally sold to undercover investigators. Hundreds of files containing intimate details of patients’ conditions, home addresses and dates of birth are being offered for as little as £4 each. The files were sold by two men…
Debit card breach is traced to Cheers Liquor Mart
Wayne Heilman reports: A debit card breach affecting thousands of Colorado Springs area cardholders resulted from outside hackers gaining access to Cheers Liquor Mart’s computer system sometime last month, owners of the Springs-based retailer said Friday. Cheers hired Cyopsis LLC, a Denver-based information technology forensics and investigations firm, to determine the source of the breach…
CA: Pizza Delivery Man Arrested in ID Fraud Scam
KTLA reports: A Fountain Valley pizza delivery man is accused of stealing credit card information from his customers to buy products on-line which he would then sell on Ebay, according to Costa Mesa police. 23 year old Jason Le Tran has been charged with grand theft and identity theft. […] Detectives say Tran, a Domino’s…
FL: Sensitive Documents Found In Flagler Dumpster
Saul Saenz reports: Documents belonging to Flagler County were found in a trash dumpster behind the county government building. […] “Someone had inappropriately gotten rid of some material that they shouldn’t have,” said Carl Laundrie, a county spokesman. Laundrie said much of the material was not confidential and could’ve been obtained from the clerk’s office…
Student data stolen from National Institute of Educational Testing Service
Earlier this month, The Nation reported that Thailand’s National Institute of Educational Testing Service (“NIETS”) web site had been downed by denial of service attacks and had been offline between Wednesday through Friday. The Nation subsequently reported that NIETS learned that information about some 1,000 students were stolen by hackers in the attack. Deputy Education…