Now that they’ve released the names of those arrested, it’s still unclear to me whether this is a second recent breach involving an employee or if these people were part of the some ring where an arrest of another individual who was an AmEx employee was made last month. reports: Cases against five people…
Potential medical breach upsets Clarksville patients
Debra Heaton thinks Clarksville Surgical Associates should do more after she and other patients received letters this week informing them some of their personal information may have been exposed. Advertisement But Dr. Steven Daugherty, owner of the practice, said by mailing 14,500 letters to clients, he has gone “above and beyond” what the law requires…
IE bank error leads to data leak
A bank has carried out an internal investigation after a blunder meant that details of pension numbers, account and sort codes, were sent out in error to 20 customers, it was revealed last night. Bank of Ireland Life, an independent company with the Bank of Ireland group, confirmed that a “manual administrative error” had resulted…
East Cheshire NHS Trust signs Undertaking after breach
East Cheshire NHS Trust has agreed to take action to comply with data security requirements and has signed an Undertaking to assure the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) that personal data will be kept securely in future The ICO has found East Cheshire NHS Trust in breach of the Data Protection Act after pages from an…
Breach exposed student data for 3+ years
Personal information for at least 455 students who attended what is now the Calhoun Area Career Center during the 2005-2006 school year was available via an Internet search for about three and a half years, according to an Aug. 5 letter sent by Battle Creek Public Schools to those affected by the breach. The exposed…
The FISMA challenge
Federal healthcare officials are trying to figure out how to remove— or at least significantly reduce—what they say is a barrier to their ability to share health information with the private sector. The obstacle is the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), a set of information security requirements that were mandated for U.S. federal government…