The Clarence High School principal and other district employees repeatedly used district computers for personal use, the state comptroller’s office said. An audit critical of the district found that some equipment apparently was lost or stolen, while other equipment was taken home, and income tax programs, thousands of photos and music files, detailed medical histories…
Jackson Memorial worker stole patient records, sold them to lawyer
<blockquote>Ambulance chasing just took a reckless turn — at the intersection of healthcare and the law. A Miami man was charged Thursday with buying confidential patient records from a Jackson Memorial Hospital employee over the past two years, and selling them to a lawyer suspected of soliciting the patients to file personal-injury claims. Ruben E….
McAfee keeps leaked details to itself
McAfee is yet to confirm with delegates to its recent Strategic Security Conference that their details were leaked in a bulk email, as reported on iTnews yesterday. […] In an interview on security podcast Risky Business, McAfee’s Asia Pacific President, Steve Redman, didn’t say if the security vendor will disclose the data breach to those whose…
FBI: Two stole Jackson Memorial patient records, sold them to lawyer
Ambulance chasing just took a reckless turn — at the intersection of healthcare and the law. A Miami man was charged Thursday with buying confidential patient records from a Jackson Memorial Hospital employee over the past two years, and selling them to a lawyer suspected of soliciting the patients to file personal-injury claims. Ruben E….
Breach of data protection when patients' information is left in public areas
A visitor to St Bernard’s Hospital found a list of patients scheduled to visit a particular doctor. The list was next to a rubbish bin in a public area of the hospital. The list included patients’ names, contact numbers, dates of birth… A complaint was lodged with the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority – and the Gibraltar…
State Government Can't Sue Itself, Court Rules
An Indiana agency that protects the interests of patients with developmental disabilities can’t sue the state’s social services administration to obtain the medical records of a mentally ill patient who died, the 7th Circuit ruled. A branch of state government cannot draw on federal civil rights laws to sue another branch of government, the Chicago-based appeals court decided….