Tokyo police Thursday arrested a former manager at a brokerage who was fired for stealing personal data on nearly 1.5 million customers and selling some of the information to mailing list companies. Hideaki Kubo, 44, a former acting manager at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Co.’s systems department, has admitted to the allegations of theft and illegal…
Commission for Teacher Preparation Computer Stolen
From Tulsa World: The Commission for Teacher Preparation is notifying individuals that one of its computer servers containing client Social Security numbers had been stolen but was recovered. The server contained the names of teacher candidates who tested for licensure and certification from 1999 through 2007, said Ted Gillispie, commission executive director. The server had…
VA: Personal Documents Exposed
Residents of a Norfolk housing project expressed shock and outrage that documents containing their Social Security numbers and salary information were found lying in a field. The documents were from the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and a city spokesman says they were disposed of improperly. […] Hundreds of pages were found over the weekend,…
FL Dept of Revenue Flash Drive Stolen
From the well-what-did-you-expect dept: The Gainesville Sun reports that the unencrypted names, addresses and Social Security numbers of 2,828 people employed by six state businesses being audited were on a flash drive stolen from the unlocked car of a Florida Department of Revenue employee in Marietta, Georgia on April 9. The revenue department sent letters…
CORRECTED STORY: Earlier CS Stars breach affected 722,000
[See correction at bottom of this post] Earlier this month, when CS Stars reported that a stolen hard drive contained claimants’ personal information, they indicated that although police had apprehended suspects in the case, the hard drive had not been recovered, and the total number of individuals with data on the stolen drive was not…
Mayor Behnke Tweets Employee Data Online
Some Battle Creek city employees are getting free identity protection help after Mayor Mark Behnke posted a document with personnel information to a public Web site. Information on about 65 city workers, including six Social Security numbers, was listed on a city check registry that Behnke put online and linked to using his account,…