The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has found Jubilee Managing Agency Ltd in breach of the Data Protection Act after the insurance company reported the loss of an unencrypted disk containing the personal details of around 2100 individual UK policyholders. Jubilee Managing Agency has signed a formal Undertaking outlining that it will take reasonable measures to…
SSN Relatively Easy to Predict
Over on, I’ve posted about a study released by researchers Alessandro Acquisti and Ralph Gross of Carnegie Mellon University. The study has significant implications for the use of SSN and for protecting against identity theft, even though a government spokesperson responded by seemingly downplaying the findings and their implications. If you would like to…
LOC ID Thief Sentenced to Prison
As an update to a story first reported in December 2008, the Associated Press is reporting that Labiska Gibbs, who enlisted her cousin, William Sinclair Jr., to help steal the identities of 13 Library of Congress employees, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. Sinclair was sentenced in May to three years’…
Physician-patient privilege waived in fraud probe
An Ohio Supreme Court ruling could erode certain confidentiality protections afforded to patients’ medical records, physicians say. The case centered on whether a health insurer could discover patient records to support a billing fraud claim it brought against a doctor. Family physician William Schlotterer, DO, objected to providing his patients’ records to Medical Mutual of…
What About Former Employees?
When the Tyco Flow Control Americas office at in Houston was broken into over the weekend of June 6 and 7, burglars stole the Payroll Manager’s laptop computer and gained access to locked rooms that contained payroll and HR documents of current and some former employees. According to a letter sent by Holly Kriendler to…
NV’s New Encryption Law Made Moot?
Rebecca Herold of IT Compliance has a commentary on Nevada’s new encryption law and whether the state’s data breach law makes the encryption law moot. It begins: On May 30, 2009, Nevada enacted a new law, SB 227, which will basically replace NRS 597.970 in January 2010. In many ways the new law is an…