Aviva USA is notifying hundreds customers that their Social Security numbers may have been acquired after malware infected one of their computers. In a May 28 letter (pdf) to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, Aviva’s Chief Privacy Officer Carolyn Gee explained that the exposure occurred while the company “was conducting online research to locate…
UK: Crime reports among missing data
The Galloway Gazette reports: Pictures of children and confidential crime reports are among a catalogue of data files lost by councils and health boards, it has been revealed. The dossier of stolen or lost information included details of pupils held by Glasgow City Council’s psychological services department. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde reported that seven…
CT: Researchers Want Access To Civil War Veterans' Health Records
In a case that is somewhat reminiscent of the case involving cemetery records in Nebraska, Jesse Leavenworth of The Hartford Courant reports that: A group of researchers says the state’s mental health agency is withholding information about a significant chapter in Connecticut history. The researchers, who are compiling a book on the state’s role in…
UK: 800 Britons on waiting list for Swiss suicide clinic
Denis Campbell of The Guardian reports: Record numbers of Britons who are suffering from terminal illnesses are queueing up for assisted suicide at the controversial Swiss clinic Dignitas, the Observer can reveal. Almost 800 have taken the first step to taking their lives by becoming members of Dignitas, and 34 men and women, who feel…
IL: Confidential CPS Documents Found Dumped in Alley
Erin Mendez and Sean Leidigh of WGNTV report: Years of CPS [Chicago Public Schools] student’s confidential, sealed records somehow made their way to a Lakeview alley early this morning. “I came upon my dumpster, totally filled. See this box? Sped –special education records..Lakeview,” said Art Kuesel, who found the documents behind his home. Inside, he…
Bits ‘n Pieces
In the justice system: Paul D. Gale, the owner of Roadhouse Grill & Tavern, has been arrested on charges he made a fraudulent insurance claim and collected phony charges using customers’ credit card numbers. More. Gerry Lynn McAfee was sentenced to 33 months in prison for stealing the identity of a Vietnam War veteran and…