Meg Alexander of KFOR in Oklahoma reports that hundreds of medical files containing Social Security number and medical records from the office of from Dr. David Cavallaro, a podiatrist, were found in a dumpster. Oklahoma reportedly has no law governing disposal of medical files. Now if there was a national data protection law that required…
Recovered UAMS computer held worker data
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that Lawrence Nichols, a former University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences housekeeping employee, has been charged in the theft of a computer that contained personal information of thousands of current and former employees. The theft occurred May 18th. The computer was used to make identification badges for UAMS employees, students and…—Security Breach
My Take on Life reports a breach of’s server that compromised names, addresses, and credit card data. A small number of fraud reports have already been made that may be a result of the breach. From the FAQ on site, where you can learn more about the incident: What happened? An individual…
Push For Electronic Medical Records Must Slow Down, For Security's Sake
Robert Vamosi of PC World reports: Among the many new provisions the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), is federal funding for electronic medical records. Known as HITECH, the law gives incentives to healthcare organizations to digitize personal health information before 2020. Lost in the rush, however, are the details. “I look forward to medical…
CA: Hundreds of ID thefts hit Tehachapi area
Carol Ferguson reports: Hundreds of cases of identity theft have hit the Tehachapi area, and police say they are working on some good leads. But local residents are frustrated by the number of accounts that have been compromised, and they want to know how and where their debit card information is being stolen.
UK: Thousands of patient details lost
From the BBC: Thousands of patient details have been lost by the NHS in London following a series of data breaches, a report has revealed. NHS London revealed that between April 2008 until April 2009 there were 76 “serious untoward incidents”, which involved personal information of patients and staff being lost or stolen. At least…