The May 1 issue of Psychiatric News has an interesting question in the Ethics Corner: Is It Ethical to ‘Google’ Patients? Q. We have learned that our psychiatry residents routinely “Google” their patients. On one recent occasion, the resident discovered that an inpatient was on a most-wanted list in another state for arson despite having…
UK: Police to destroy DNA profiles of 800,000 innocent people
Jamie Doward reports: DNA profiles of almost a million innocent people are to be destroyed as part of a major overhaul of the police national database. They include people who have been arrested and never charged, and those taken to court but found not guilty. Civil rights groups gave a cautious welcome to the proposals…
4 more employees gone after sneaking into octuplets’ files
Sarah Tully of The Orange County Register reports: Four more hospital employees this week were forced out of their jobs for sneaking into the octuplets’ mother’s private medical records, a hospital spokeswoman confirmed today. Previously, another 15 employees were terminated and eight were disciplined for improperly looking at mother Nadya Suleman’s documents at Kaiser Permanente…
4 more employees gone after sneaking into octuplets' files
Sarah Tully of The Orange County Register reports: Four more hospital employees this week were forced out of their jobs for sneaking into the octuplets’ mother’s private medical records, a hospital spokeswoman confirmed today. Previously, another 15 employees were terminated and eight were disciplined for improperly looking at mother Nadya Suleman’s documents at Kaiser Permanente…
NY: Thieves raid accounts of Staten Island bank
Barton Horowitz of the Staten Island Advance reports: An ATM security breach at SI Bank & Trust’s Oakwood branch that went undetected for more than a month is under investigation by the FBI. Apparently, bank officials were not aware of the crime until the stealth thieves began cashing in on the stolen data. … Fifty…
Pointer: The TJX Case: It Lives! With a New Theory of Liability: “Unfairness”
David Navetta has an interesting piece on InfoSec Compliance that begins this way: Little know (or at least discussed) fact: despite announcing settlements with VISA and Mastercard in 2007, the TJX data security litigation is still going. In fact most of the issuing banks impacted by the TJX breach are no longer pursuing TJX and/or…