The Associated Press reports that the Tennessee Department of Education has announced that a private contractor, Public Consulting Group, accidentally exposed personal information of more than 18,000 Nashville public school students and 6,000 of their parents on the web from December 28 through March 31, when the problem was discovered by a parent. Information on…
NZ: Internet hacker hits bank account
Cherie Taylor of The Daily Post reports that 11 people are accused of hacking into online bank accounts and stealing thousands of dollars as part of a widespread fraud ring that targeted the National Bank.
Update on Web Hosting Talk hack (update 2)
This updates the story originally posted here. It turns out credit card data was compromised and was/is circulating on the web. Read one update here. Following links or googling will take you to other threads about how the data have been published/shared on the web. Update 2, Apr. 9: WHT reported yesterday: Our current research…
Bits ‘n Pieces
In the justice system: A 25-count indictment was issued against Timothy Kuskowski on charges of stealing the identities of nearly two dozen Coloradans and using them to pass fake checks in 10 counties across Colorado. More. Frederick Eugene Wood will be arraigned later this week. He is accused of using file-sharing software to steal information…
Mitsubishi UFJ says 49,159 customer records leaked
Junko Fujita of Thomson Reuters reports that Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group’s brokerage unit experienced a data breach when a former employee took records on 1.5 million customers home. Records on 49,159 customers, including personal and salary details, were sold to data list agents. The firm says that most of the records have been retrieved.
Hawaii Department of Transportation laptop stolen; 1,892 notified
Curtis Lum of The Honolulu Advertiser reports that 1,892 people with Hawaii commercial driver’s licenses are being notified this week that a Department of Transportation computer containing their names, addresses, Social Security numbers and other personal information was stolen March 18th from s state office. The laptop had been left unattended in the office.