The Associated Press has an article about a court case in Iowa with important implications for the privacy of mental health records of minors in Iowa.  The issue before the court was: The issue we must decide is whether a divorced parent with legal custody can obtain her children’s mental health records by presenting…
Mitsubishi UFJ Securities breach worse than originally thought
As an update to the story previously reported, The Mainichi Daily News reports that: …. personal information on thousands of customers that a former middle manager sold to personal data sellers was leaked or resold to a total of 80 companies — five times more than originally announced. Retrieving the customers’ information has proved difficult,…
CO: Weld DA files appeal involving fraud by illegal immigrants
Monte Whaley of The Denver Post reports: Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck is asking the Colorado Court of Appeals to overturn a judge’s decision that stopped his investigation of identity theft involving illegal immigrants. […] Weld sheriff’s deputies in October searched Amalia’s Translation and Tax Service in Greeley, where they took more than 5,000…
Test of Lincoln DNA sought to prove cancer theory
Every so often, I read about cases where someone wants to exhume long-dead historical figures to test for medical conditions. Now Ron Todt of the Associated Press reports that a researcher wants to test the blood stains on the pillowcase that was stained with President Lincoln’s blood after he was shot. The story touches on…
Data Breach Notification Law Across the World from California to Australia
Alana Maurushat of University of New South Wales has published a review and comparison that is available online at in pdf format. The abstract: Data breach notification and disclosure laws are emerging around the globe. The following article and table examine the specifics of data breach notification frameworks in multiple jurisdictions. Over the year…
(Follow-up) UK: ICO takes enforcement action against the British Council for serious data breach
As a follow-up to an incident reported in January: The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has found the British Council in breach of the Data Protection Act after the loss of an unencrypted computer disc. Details lost include sensitive personal information relating to trade union membership of over 2,000 members of staff. The British Council reported…