Woolworths has left hundreds of its customers open to identity theft after dumping their till receipts in a skip. They contained highly-prized signatures, full bank account numbers and expiry dates, which can easily be used to clone someone’s ID. Read more in The Daily Mail
CO: Police: Credit Card Thieves Worked As Waiters
Follow-up on the story that we’ve been covering since November: The credit card numbers stolen from 200 customers at an Asian restaurant last year were taken by three people who offered to work for tips only, according to Longmont police. Cmdr. Tim Lewis told 7NEWS two men and one woman offered to work at Longmont’s…
[CORRECTED] BitDefender Portugal breach exposes customer data
HackersBlog is reporting that Kapersky isn’t the only exposing customer data this week. BitDefender Portugal also seems to have a problem…. [Corrected headline 2-9-09 10:03 am to reflect that it is BitDefender Portugal, a BitDefender partner, who had the breach and not BitDefender.com. Apologies for any confusion in the headline.]
Kaspersky breach exposes sensitive database, says hacker
Dan Goodin reports: A security lapse at Kaspersky has exposed a wealth of proprietary information about the anti-virus provider’s products and customers, according to a blogger, who posted screen shots and other details that appeared to substantiate the claims. In a posting made Saturday, the hacker claimed a simple SQL injection gave access to a…
Purdue U. mailing error exposes 1099 forms of temporary employees
Purdue University reported a breach that occurred in January on Feb.3 on their site: A potential problem involving 1099 forms may affect individuals or organizations who were employed on a temporary basis by Purdue University in 2008. Due to a mailing error, some of these forms were inadvertently sent to the wrong individual or organization….
Ca: Debit card fraud uncovered in Langley
On January 20 Langley RCMP received information from financial institution corporate security personnel detailing a debit card skimming which had occurred in north Langley. Corporate security advised he had attended the business in North Langley and examined the PIN pad which he found had been tampered with and contained suspect circuitry. Langley RCMP attended the…