Newswire reports on a story out of Sri Lanka: A student from Galle has been arrested for hacking the Department of Examinations’ official website. The Police said the student had hacked the website, retrieved data on the 2021 GCE Advanced Level Examination results, and displayed it on a separate web portal. The suspect had stolen…
HEALTHCARE: Still Ransomed – RedSense Fact Sheet
Seen on Since early 2022, leading security industry experts have made broad estimations that ‘ransomware is on the decline’, but did they properly contextualize their data and findings? Given destabilization from the Russia-Ukraine conflict and tightening U.S. and EU law enforcement activities, ‘ransomware is on the decline’ proponents underestimate their adversaries’ motivations, resiliency, and…
Bits ‘n Pieces (Trozos y Piezas)
Br: National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE) hit by ransomware On September 3, the RansomExx group leaked 62 TB of files from the National Fund for Educational Development (FNDE). FDNE is a federal agency of the Ministry of Education, and is responsible for implementing programs such as the National School Nutrition Program. FNDE provided a…
LEAK: European Commission to introduce cyber requirements for Internet of Things products
Luca Bertuzzi reports: The proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act that will be presented next week will mandate baseline cybersecurity standards for all connected devices and stricter conformity assessment procedures for critical products, according to a draft seen by EURACTIV. The proposal is trying to address the widespread vulnerabilities in the booming Internet of Things (IoT)…
Late notification raises questions about a US Radiology Specialists breach last year
As keen eyes have noticed, two radiology services — Gateway Diagnostic Imaging in Texas and Radiology Ltd in Arizona — recently submitted breach notices to the Montana Attorney General’s Office. Both notices reported an incident in December 2021. But were these separate incidents, or were they both the result of a third-party breach? Both Gateway…
Indonesian Expert on Major Data Leaks: Baby Boomers Should Not Manage Crucial Data
A translation of reporting by Moh Khory Alfarizi: Indonesia was stunned by two recent major data leaks. The first incident saw 1.3 billion SIM card registration details leaked online by hackers and the second case was when 105 million citizenship information was leaked on an online forum. The SIM card registration data-keeping is managed by…