Sergiu Gatlan reports: Telegram will now share users’ phone numbers and IP addresses with law enforcement if they are found to be violating the platform’s rules following a valid legal request. According to a newly updated privacy policy announced by CEO Pavel Durov on Monday, Telegram will comply with such requests only after receiving a valid court…
Defendants Sentenced for Global Darknet Conspiracy
Defendants Sold Stolen Financial Information from Tens of Thousands of Victims Worldwide KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A citizen of Nigeria, who was extradited from the United Kingdom, was sentenced in federal court yesterday for his involvement in a conspiracy to sell stolen financial information on the darknet from tens of thousands of victims from around…
Montenegro Launches New Open Data Portal after Cyberattack
In August 2022, Montenegro announced that they had been the victim of a cyberattack by Russian hackers. Days later, the Cuba ransomware group claimed responsibility for the attack that damaged much of the government’s digital infrastructure. A May 2023 news story on Montenegro’s struggle to recover noted that according to the Ministry of Public Administration,…
One-third of the US population’s background info is now public
UPDATE: Please also see this post by the person who found the leak, analyzed it, reported on it first, and managed to get it secured. Paulina Okunytė reports: Cybernews exclusive research has revealed that a massive data leak at MC2 Data, a background check firm, affects a staggering amount of US citizens. MC2 Data and…
Criminal phishing network resulting in over 480,000 victims worldwide busted in Spain and Latin America
Europol published the following release on September 19: Europol has supported European and Latin American authorities in dismantling an international criminal network engaged in unlocking stolen or lost mobile phones through a phishing platform. Investigators reported 483 000 victims worldwide, who had attempted to regain access to their phones and been phished in the process….
Hacker selling Dell employees’ data after a second alleged data breach
Shweta Sharma reports: Dell Technologies has allegedly suffered two data breaches since Thursday amounting to a breach of over 3.5GB of data belonging to at least 10,000 company employees. A hacker using the alias “grep” had claimed the first breach by posting a sample of the stolen dataset on BreachForums for free, offering a full…