Here’s today’s reminder of the insider threat. And also the external threat. Consider it a pre-holiday twofer. DataBreaches was contacted yesterday by “0mid16B,” the same individual who was responsible for previously hacking The1 Card, Thailand’s most popular loyalty program. In their latest contact, they claim to have successfully attacked Ardyss[.]com and ArdyssLife[.]com, telling DataBreaches, “In…
CA: Electronic data security breach at Milton long-term care home revealed
Marney Carmichael reports on an incident in Ontario, Canada: Halton region says a privacy breach at Allendale Long-Term Care Home in Milton exposed personal electronic health records from 2005 to this summer. A cybersecurity incident in June of this year involving third-party software led to unauthorized access of residents’ personal data, including names, health details…
KY: Personal data of Boone, Kenton County students breached, school officials say
Danielle Goodman reports: Personal data from current and former students in Boone and Kenton County school districts may have been accessed and copied in cyber attacks earlier this month, according to school district announcements. School district officials said the data breaches appear to have stemmed from phishing schemes, where cybercriminals trick users into providing sensitive…
Conversation with a “Nam3L3ss” Watchdog: Preface
This is a multi-part interview with the individual known as “Nam3L3ss,” who leaked more than 100 databases on a popular hacking forum and will soon be leaking many more. In Part 1, he answers some questions about his background and what motivated him to do what he does. In Part 2, we talk a bit…
Conversation with a “Nam3L3ss” Watchdog, Part 1: Background
This is a multi-part interview with the individual known as “Nam3L3ss” who leaked more than 100 databases on a popular hacking forum and will soon be leaking many more. Read the Preface. In this part, we talk about his background and what motivated him to do what he does. In Part 2, we talk about…
Conversation with a “Nam3L3ss” Watchdog, Part 2: Methods
This is a multi-part interview with the individual known as “Nam3L3ss” who leaked more than 100 databases on a popular hacking forum and will soon be leaking many more. Read the Preface. In Part 1, he answered some questions about his background and what motivated him to do what does. In this part, we talk…