Janesville School District in Wisconsin was fairly forthright this week about being hit by a ransomware attack. But while they denied receiving any ransom note, and initially claimed that no data had been accessed or destroyed, some data that appear to be from the ransomware attack were posted today on a popular Russian-language forum. A…
Seneca Family of Agencies discloses breach personal and medical data
Seneca Family of Agencies (formerly Seneca Center) describes their history as being founded in 1985 as a small Bay Area residential and day treatment program with a simple but powerful mission: to help children and families through the most difficult times of their lives. Since then, Seneca has expanded to provide a broad continuum of…
VT: Washington County school district looks into possible ransomware attack
WCAX reports: It’s still unclear whether personal student information was stolen during a system hack. The superintendent of the Washington Central Unified Union School District says in a letter Wednesday that its information systems were compromised. Interim Superintendent Jen Miller-Arsenault sent out a letter to families saying the district’s systems have been compromised as a…
Over 400,000 German Students Data Leaked by a Flawed API
Manikanta Immann reports: Scoolio is a german app for students, used mainly for educational updates, record keeping, and networking. After informing the flaw to Scoolio’s developer, a fix was released this week to patch the bug. […] In September, a security researcher named Lilith Wittmann of Zerforchung firm has discovered a flawed API in Scoolio, through which she was able…
Samaritan Daytop Village discloses breach
Samaritan Daytop Village, Inc. (“SDV”) has disclosed a breach that they first discovered on September 22. The not-for-profit, which started 60 years ago as an outpatient drug treatment services provider but expanded its scope, reports that they could not be sure whether data was actually viewed, exfiltrated, neither, or both. It is all still under…
Blue Shield of California insurance broker victim of ransomware attack
Blue Shield of California has disclosed that a ransomware attack on an insurance broker, Team Alvarez Insurance Services, has impacted 2,858 Blue Shield members’ information including names and one or more of the following: health insurance information, health plan member ID number, date of birth, email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses. No Blue Shield…