Jessica Haworth reports: A cyber-attack on US fast food and gambling chain Dotty’s has exposed the personal data of customers, the company has warned. Dotty’s, a fast food chain which offers gambling services across 175 locations, is owned and operated by Nevada Restaurant Services (NRS). Read more on The Daily Swig. had previously reported on Nevada…
Afghanistan becomes the primary target for ransomware attacks following Taliban takeover
Paul Skeldon reports; The recent Taliban takeover of the government in Afghanistan has brought a lot of chaos upon the nation – and cybercriminals are seeing that such disorder in the country is another chance for them to benefit. According to the Atlas VPN team data analysis, Afghanistan became the primary target for ransomware attacks worldwide in…
Microsoft Outlook shows real person’s contact info for IDN phishing emails
Ax Sharma reports: If you receive an email from someone@arstechnі, is it really from someone at Ars? Most definitely not—the domain in that email address is not the same that you know. The ‘і’ character in there is from the Cyrillic script and not the Latin alphabet. This isn’t a novel problem, either. Up until a few…
Criminals in lab coats exploit the healthcare sector and government
We all complain about the exorbitant ransom demands ransomware teams make on medical practices and hospitals. But they are not the only criminals costing entities — and society — money. Every day, insiders are stealing money — from the government and from all of us. Here’s just a few recent headlines from the U.S. Department…
Elon Musk’s top-secret ‘full self-driving’ AI car software leaked to hackers
Claran Daly reports: The software which enables certain Tesla cars to autonomously drive themselves has been leaked, enabling hackers outside of the USA to hit the streets hands-free. The software usually costs up to $10,000. Read more on The Daily Star. Does anyone else find this leak frightening?
Hacker claims to have stolen information of 7 million Israelis
Stav Namer/Maariv reports: A cyber criminal who goes by the name “sangkanicil” is claiming to have stolen the personal information of around seven million Israelis, approximately 80% of Israel’s population, by hacking into a website used by municipalities – City4U. If this is the truth – it could be one of the biggest and most significant hacks…