If you were or a pharmacy patient at Raley’s, Bel Air Mart, or Nob Hill General Store, your information may have been on a laptop that was stolen on September 24.
In a notification to the California Attorney General, David Fluitt, Director of Pharmacy Operations for Raley’s, writes that the types of unencrypted information on the laptop included:
first name, last name, gender, date of birth, health plan(s), plan member identification number(s), medical condition, our pharmacy location(s) visited sometime between January 1, 2017 and September 24, 2018 and, in some cases, the prescription drug filled for some of our patients.
Addresses, social security numbers, credit card information or driver’s license numbers were not on the laptop.
According to a notice on Raley’s web site, approximately 10,000 pharmacy patients were affected. The incident does not yet appear on HHS’s web site.
The full notification to California appears below:
HIPAA Breach Notification Letter_0