Brian Krebs of The Washington Post reports that The Internal Revenue Service has awarded a contract to process tax return payments for the coming filing season to RBS Worldpay, a company that recently disclosed that a hacker break-in jeopardized financial data on 1.5 million payroll card holders and at least 1.1 million Social Security numbers….
Tag: RBS WorldPay
Three processors breached, all claim to have been compliant (update 1)
Jaikumar Vijayan of Computerworld reports that merchants using Heartland Payment Systems and RBS WorldPay do not need to worry about fines or their own liability if they continue to use the payment processors. An analysis by Avivah Litan of Gartner, Inc. that is based on a statement by Visa provides additional clarification. For its part,…
Pointer: Visa Suspends Heartland: A Little Revisionist History?
Over on StorefrontBacktalk, Evan Schuman has some sharp and thought-provoking commentary on Visa’s suspension of Heartland’s and RBS’s approved status and assertions that “no compromised entity has been found to be [PCI] compliant at the time of the breach.”
RBS WorldPay denies second breach
When rumors were swirling last month about a “new” breach related to Visa and MasterCard alerts , there was speculation in a number of quarters as to whether the newest alerts were related to a second breach at RBS WorldPay that had previously been undetected or perhaps the new round of alerts might be because…
RBS WorldPay statement
In response to my request for a statement, a spokesperson for RBS WorldPay sent this statement: RBS WorldPay received its Payment Card Industry (PCI) Report on Compliance (ROC) in June of 2008 by a qualified assessor. Visa has asked us to obtain a new certification of PCI compliance because of the recent data-security compromise. Visa…
Visa confirms RBS WorldPay also placed on probation
As a follow-up to my earlier post today, media relations for RBS WorldPay contacted me. It appears that the number the main operator had given me for them was the wrong number, even though she confirmed it twice. In the meantime, I have obtained the following statement by Visa that confirms that, like Heartland Payment…